Car Door Handle Cup Protector


超強彈性,不斷不破, 自修復 , 車漆永保無虞

High-quality U.S. TPU material 
Free size for all types of handle cups
Easy to install/remove, no residue left
Super elastic, unbreakable, self-healing keep the car unharmed & bright as new

Installation instructions


Compare the size of the car handle cup and trim it to the proper size.



Wipe the door cup area and dry it. The scratched paint surface can be installed after polishing with coarse wax.


撕掉離型紙, 使用加有溫和清潔劑的清水噴濕門碗及保護膜

Remove the liner, spray the handle cup area with water and mild detergent.


讓膜中心對準門碗中心,並滑動調整位置;確定位置後,用手指緊壓膜中心, 由內向外向邊緣壓推

Place the film against the center of the handle cup, slide it to the proper position. Press the film with fingers on the surface from the inside outward.


使用刮板將水, 氣泡全數擠出, 並將翹起或皺褶撫平

Squeeze out all the water and bubbles and smooth it if lifting or wrinkling.



Not for Flap type